India's cooperation with UNESCO in
fields of education, science, culture and communication
is the overall responsibility of Indian National Commission
(INC) for Cooperation with UNESCO serviced by MHRD,
Department of Secondary & Higher Education . INC
is supported by five Sub-Commissions, namely, on Education,
Natural Sciences, Culture, Social Sciences & Communication
DST contributes to the agenda of INC
by recommending Indian interests and needs for cooperation
with UNESCO in natural sciences.
Secretary Department of Science &
Technology (DST) chairs the Natural Sciences Sub-Commission
of INC ; this Committee makes recommendations on the
following for approval of INC presided by Hon'ble
Minister for HRD:
Recommends India's
needs and interests to cooperate with UNESCO in
the field of Science & Technology in relation
to UNESCO Medium Term Strategy & Biennial
UNESCO Programs ;
Indian interventions
( including Draft Resolutions seeking amendments
in UNESCO Actions) at periodic UNESCO General
Conference(s) on UNESCO Major Program in Natural
Sciences are also finalized by this Sub Commission;
Prioritized requests
in natural sciences from India for support under
UNESCO Participation Program ; &
Nomination of (i)
Indian candidates for prizes in recognition of
scientific excellence administered by UNESCO (ii)
Indian Scientific Delegate(s) to International
Conferences in the field of natural sciences;
(iii) Indian eminent scientists & specialists
to UNESCO Committees on scientific themes
Areas of Cooperation
Indian interests in natural sciences
vis-à-vis UNESCO Medium Term Strategy 2002-2007
/ UNESCO Program & Budget 2003 onwards are focused
UNESCO's Human, Technical & Institutional Capacity
Building in Sciences
UNESCO to devise strategies for intellectual resources
management-more symmetric mobility of S&T
professionals, strengthening institutional capacities
by establishing worldwide network of centres of
excellence for research and education in basic
sciences ( as evident from UNESCO's International
Basic Sciences Program-IBSP & within it the
IBSP Centres of Excellence recognized by UNESCO
, in the offing)
UNESCO cooperation is being requested by India
in respect of Centres of Excellence in - Biotechnology,
S&T Capacity Development in Climate Change,
Earthquake Risk Evaluation Centre - risk assessment
UNESCO's Projects in cross cutting themes
UNESCO's cooperation
is desired in creating "Digital S&T
Library & Information Resources" to
be hosted in India to facilitate open &
equitable access to scientific information ,
journals, technical books and research monographs
for users to pursue world class research and
augmenting science education in Asian region;
UNESCO is expected to mobilize and negotiate
frameworks whereby voluntary/discounted permission
of publishers is secured for putting selected
scientific publications on this Digital S&T
Library ; this interest can be best related
to UNESCO Project on cross cutting theme "
Contribution of ICT to the development of education,
science and construction of a knowledge society".
Fostering equitable
access to information and knowledge for development
is a forte of UNESCO. Thus UNESCO action are
desired to mobilize international consensus
on reasonable interpretation of "Fair Use"
clauses in International Copyrights laws which
should provide a good balance between private
profit and public good and allow pursuit of
research and education.
Sharing of Indian
initiative with other countries on "Traditional
Knowledge Digital Library -TKDL (hosted by National
Institute of Science Communication & Information
Resources, India) for retrieval of traditional
knowledge related information by patent examiners
to prevent grant of patents on the ground that
the subject matter is already in public domain.
This Indian offer best relates to UNESCO Project
related to cross cutting theme on "Local
& Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) in
a global society "
UNESCO's Expert Panels, Multilateral Programs
Modes of Cooperation
UNESCO assumes the role of identifying important
emerging problems/challenges in fields including natural
sciences and enabling :
Mobilization of international opinion ;
Development of norms , standards, universal
declarations & strategies to deal with such
Gathering, sharing best practices and devising
of innovative solutions in building human and
institutional capacities in fields including
natural sciences;
Promotion of implementation of multilateral
programmes & projects related to cross cutting
Conferment of prizes in recognition of scientific
excellence including Kalinga Prize for Popularization
of Science, L'OREAL-UNESCO Awards for Women
in Science, Carlos J. Finaly Prize, Javed Husain
Prize for Young Scientists, UNESCO Science Prize
& Institut Pasteur-UNESCO Medal
Financial support for national & regional
projects fielded by Member States under Participation
Soliciting proposals for UNESCO Cooperation
in Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences Sub-Commission of
INC Members (Institutional & Individual Members
) identify India's interests and needs for collaboration
with UNESCO in natural sciences for adoption by INC.
As appropriate, these are taken up in UNESCO General
Conference Session(s) / UNESCO Participation Program
/ reflected in responses of GOI from MHRD-INC Secretariat
Guidelines, Application Format/ Documents
These can be browsed on webaddress
Contact Persons:
Mrs. Sadhana Relia,
Scientist F (Director), International Cooperation,
Department of Science & Technology, Technology
Bhavan New Delhi-110016
Tel: +91-11-26602189 Fax: +91-11-26862418 Email: [email protected]
Mr. C..Balakrishnan,
Joint Secretary (Policy & UNESCO),
MHRD, Department of Secondary & Higher Education,
C-Wing Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi
Tel: +91-11-23381096 Fax; 23381355 Email: [email protected]
Madam Neelam Sabbharwal,
Ambassador ,
Permanent Mission of India to UNESCO Paris
Fax No.+33-1-47345188: [email protected]
Dr. W. Erdelen,
Assistant Director General for Natural Sciences,
UNESCO Headquarters, 1 rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Tel: +33-0-145684078 Fax:+33-0-145685801 Email: [email protected]
Prof. M.Tawfik,
Director UNESCO New Delhi Office &
UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Communication
& Information
UNESCO House B-5/29 Safdarjung Enclave New Dlhi-110029
Tel: +91-11-26713000 Fax: +91-11-26713001, 26713002
Email: [email protected]