Agreement on S&T Cooperation between
Government of Republic of India & European Commission
(Nov.23,2001 & ratified on Oct. 14,2002) provides
the basis of cooperation. This S&T Agreement now
provides an opportunity for India to work with Europe
as partner in advanced technology sectors listed in
all the thematic priorities of EC Framework Program
for Research & Technology Development. This new
channel is different from past arrangements wherein
Indian scientists and institutions were participating
in EC Programmes in limited sectors, as applicable
to any "Developing Country".
Implementation of the Agreement vests with India-EC
Steering Committee on S&T Cooperation , serviced
jointly by Indian DST(International Cooperation Division)
& European Commission ( Research Directorate General).
The actions are underway to hold 1st Meeting of this
India-EC Steering Committee to agree on India-EU S&T
Program of Cooperation (POC) including modalities
of cooperation , financial and administrative terms
of support from agencies responsible for execution
of S&T Agreement .
Areas of Cooperation**
To begin with, India-EC POC in S&T is proposed
to be drawn with focus on -
- Life Sciences, Genomics & Biotechnology for
(EC Workprogramme at
- Nanotechnology & Nanosciences, Knowledge
based multifunctional materials, New Production
processes and devices
(EC Workprogramme at
- Information Societies Technologies
(EC Workprogramme at
(** Any addition areas of mutual interest can be
included through exchange of letters.)
Modes of Cooperation
Following opportunities existing by virtue of the
India-EC S&T Agreement, are brought to the kind
attention of Indian research entities (working in
academic institution, research institute or in-house
R&D unit of public sector):
- Indian researchers can join European Research
& Technology Development (RTD) Integrated Projects,
Networks of Centres of Excellence and can figure
in selected Marie Curie Actions- Fellowships for
Early Stage Research Training, Incoming International
Fellowships, Large Marie Curie Conferences.
(Such requests are periodically published by EC
in relation to EC Sixth Framework Program 2002-2006(FP6)
and Indian researchers can be partner in any of
the FP6 Seven Thematic Priorities related cooperation
proposals;Details at web address
- Indian researchers can access European Large
Scale Research Facilities in wide spectrum of S&T
fields in relation to implementation of Joint RTD
Projects with European Union -EU (and/or its member
states);latest information on European Large Scale
Research Facilities (ELSF) is at
(Europeans access to similar advanced research infrastructure/facilities
in India can be offered as well )
- Undertaking joint RTD projects which may arise
from India-EU Thematic Workshops/ Joint Scientific
Missions etc.
- Participation in European scale magascience projects
such as Development of European Satellite Navigation
System, Galileo.
Soliciting joint proposals for S&T POC
Expression of interest are invited simultaneously
in India & European Union . Indian DST notifies
an advertisement for this purpose in Current Science
Journal.The one currently posted in Current Science
Sept.10,2003 issue can be accessed at webaddress:
Guidelines and Application Format
DST invites suggestions of Indian research community
on the specific items/topics of interest vis-à-vis
ECFP6 Thematic Priorities- Workprogramme , as listed
above . Pre-proposal in 500 words on scope of cooperation
with a minimum of 3 partners from different EU member
states is required by Oct. 10,2003 . Suggestions and
pre-proposal are generally required to address the
following criteria:
q Access to European expertise and experimental research
facilities relevant to execution of on-going major
national R&D projects;
- Joint technology and product development based
on tangible Indian core competence;
- Exposure to advanced skills and nucleation of
new research groups in emerging S&T fields ;
- Expanding linkages with European network of scientists
and research institutions
Processing of Proposals & Project Duration
Indian & European Commission Agencies responsible
for executing implementation of S&T Agreement
are expected to hold India-EU Thematic Workshops allowing
joint scientific -cum-official interaction for arriving
at contents and administrative and financial details
of India-EC S&T POC. The joint actions approved
by India-EC Steering Committee on S&T Cooperation
will be implemented.
Financial Support
Approved activities under the India-EC S&T POC
can be funded by EC/ both Indian DST & EC Research
DG et all
Contact Persons: |
Mrs. Sadhana Relia,
Scientist F (Director)
International Cooperation,
Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan New Delhi-110016
Tel: +91-11-26602189
Fax: +91-11-26862418
Email: [email protected]
European Commission:
Mr. Daniel Descoutures
Principal Administrator
Directorate General XII-Research
European Commission
Rue de la Loi, Wetstraaat 200, B-1049 Brussels
Tel: 0032-2-2963061
Fax: 0032-2-2969824
Email: Daniel.
[email protected]
Mr. Seth van Doorn
Project Manager Economic Co-operation &
Officer responsible for India-EC S&T Cooperation,
EC Delegation to India, Nepal, Bhutan 65, Golf
Links, New Delhi 110003 India.
Tel. +91 11 23026224 /Ext. 250
Email: [email protected]